I am currently a second year student of the BA Media Studies program of the University of Groningen.
Within this program, we get to choose a profile to follow during our second year.
Out of the various profile options, I chose the Audiovisual Culture profile as it resonated the most with my hobbies and my interests.
Related to my studies, I am also an active memeber of the Media Studies Association. While last year I was in the travel committee,
this year I joined the media committee instead.

Media Studies wasn't always my dream degree...

Growing up, I wanted to be a professional actress and to study acting in university.
During my university application process, acting was my first choice and photography my second.
However, I ended up deciding that instead of getting a degree in these fields, I could continue pursuing them through extra courses and workshops to build my experience.
That is how I found the program of Media Studies, which encapsulates a variety of my interests and helps me build skills that I can't simply teach myself.

about me
my studies
my hobbies
usability review
progress log