
Week 1

I have made four different pages: a homepage, a page about myself, a page about my studies, and a page about my hobbies. I started experiencing with different colours, images and fonts.

Week 2

I had some trouble adding a picture to my header, eventually it worked. I have added a menu and made it change color when you hover over it. I also made an external stylesheet to make sure all my pages look coherent. I also added DIV elements to my website, I only have a problem with this list. How do I put the text in between the headers of the week to the side without everything moving?

Week 3

In week 3 I added a picture to my homepage, this is a thumbnail, a smaller version of a picture. The thumbnail I added to my homepage now links to the about me page which has the bigger version of the picture on it. To make sure the pictures fit on my website, I had to resize them and save them as a jpg image. The big picture on my about me page links to things I like: my ears link to my favorite song, my mouth links to my favorite food, and my eyes link to what I like to see.

Week 4

In week 4 I started experimenting with search engine optimization. I added a page called Banana Cinnamon Pancakes and linked to it through images of pancakes on every page. I chose to use images to keep my website user friendly.

Week 5

In week 5 I looked at the usability of my website. I have made different containers for my menu and my body, so that all my webpages look similar. I have also changed the lay out of my website and added more pink :) This made the body of every website really pop out from the background.

Week 6

In week 6 I added a new webpage called 'review'. On this webpage I reviewed a website from one of my classmates and answered questions about scanning, text, navigation, the homepage, and made some suggestions to improve usability. I have checked all my webpages again and can now officially say this is my final version!