An overview of the progress made on this website

This is what I have been up to

This is the site for the progress of my website!

Week 1

In week 1, I have created the outline of this website and the first pages for it. The pages that I created in the first week were: the homepage (index), the page about myself, the page about my studies and the page about my hobbies. I have made sure to save everything in the same folder, so that FileZille can recognize it correctly. At first, I have used the Lorem Ipsum text generator to have some text in my html body, but later on re-wrote these texts with actual information about the topics.

Week 2

In week 1, I have created a stylesheet accompanying and designing my html files. I have then created div blocks for the pagesĀ“ content and navigation, however that did not work correctly for all pages immediately and I needed to revise this at a later stage. I made sure that all of my pages had the same style as in background color, font-size, font, etc.

Week 3

In week 1, I have created an image map on the photo on the page about myself. The image maps links the mouth, eyes and ears to what I like to eat, what movie I like and what music I like to listen to. I used the web-based version of Photoshop to crop my image to the right sizes for the actual photo and the thumbnail and to know which pixel settings I needed for the locations of the image map.

Week 4

In week 1, I have created the Banana Cinnamon Pancakes page and optimized this page for SEO to achieve better results on Google Search. I did this by various measures: wrote the text in English, included the keyword "banana cinnamon pancakes" in a h1 as well as in a unique title tag, a meta description and a linktext all while keeping the page user friendly.

Week 5

In week 1, I have made some design improvements. This means including more div containers to my site for the content and navigation. Further improvements were done by making the design the same for content and navigation on all my pages, have a good colour contrast between the elements, keep the navigation on top of the page and make it visible on which page the user currently is, allow the user to easily return to the homepage and more.

Week 6

In week 1, I have written a usability review for my former student Nora de Boer (S3238091). You can find this usability review here.