My Hobbies
This page is about my hobbies
In my freetime, I spend a lot of time in the gym. I started working out at home during spring 2020. Back then, I had a lot of freetime because I dropped out of university and I was not able to work a lot because of the COVID-pandemic. My roommate already worked out regularly as well, and one day he asked me if I wanted to join him. Since then, we exercise together almost every day. Luckily, we can now do this at the gym instead of at home. Besides working out, I also enjoy spending time with my friends, watching movies and cooking. Me and my friend group are part of a student rowing association, named Gyas. Even though this is a rowing association, we do not row that much and are mostly there to socialize and party.
Me and my roommate in the gym
On the left, you can see my friend group, our so-called "rowing team". As you can see, we actually enjoy hanging out together with some drinks a lot more than rowing. We meet every thursday for dinner and drinks, but we also spend a lot of time together on other days. We are all very close, we already planned two vacations with each other for this summer!